Post Landing Services Canada

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Post Landing Services Canada
Post Landing Servcies In Canada

Immigration is only 30% of the whole conversion process. Moving to a new purpose–for responsibility a job and living purposes–involves a huge deal of planning. We take care of the remain 70% during our wide-ranging and modified settlement services, to help you settle well in Canada.

We recognize that without a good support scheme in place, in alien surroundings, you would think alone, and without help. And, so our outstanding post landing services is tailor-made in such a way that you get all potential help and leadership, to settle abroad easily and speedily.

Post Landing Services That We Offer

  • Help with the documents that you need to show at the airport
  • Sharing information on how to reach your hotel/airbnb from the airport
  • Sharing info on the driving license process and helping you get your license.
  • Sharing info on how to buy your first car
  • Sharing info on how to buy your car insurances
  • Sharing info on different transportation options available
  • Sharing info on how to travel without a car in Canada
  • Sharing info on Travel Card: presto card and how to get it
  • Sharing info on how to use Google Maps to reach any location via trains and buses
  • Guidance on part time job etc

  • Range of services under Post landing settlement services

    • Pick-up from the airport and move to the booked room.
    • This will be sharing housing in a 2 or 3 bedrooms part or independent room in a motel. One room can accommodate 2
    • adults. Separate rooms will be accessible (for kids) on extra charge and subject to availability. charge for such additional requirements can only be provide close to arrival date.
    • One client will be given accommodation for a maximum of 6 nights.
    • The living room and rest of the facilities (including common kitchen TV in living room, Refrigerator, Gas, Washing machine, dishwasher, and Bathrooms) will be common, either with owner or other occupants. Where room is provided in a Motel/Hotel, our duty is limited to services provided in the room. Common facilities that are provided by Motel/Hotel can be assess as per terms and conditions of such a facility.
    • Welcome tea and one paired meal on the day of arrival and the host will give one breakfast on the following day. Other than this, the client should make his or her own arrangements.
    • Introduction to real estate brokers who will assist in finding permanent & furnishing or unfurnished & accommodation.
    • Guidance on process related opening a local bank account, receiving Internet and mobile, home phone connections.
    • Guidance on applying for driving license & G1, G2 or G
    • Guidance on creation application for healthiness card, information on nearest local health centers and children benefits etc.
    • Transportation guidance for moving around the city.
    • Guidance on School admission process for Children.
    • Guidance on malls, universal and Indian grocery stores and stationery facilities around the temporary residence.
    • Guidance on receiving cars on rent at affordable rates.
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